Canyon of the Eagles Lodge & Nature Park
Reviewed Jun. 11, 2018

A great group recreational campground for everyone.

This campground had all types of camping, from family style tent sites, group campground, an RV park, and for the glampers a nice resort all on the same property. We took our Girl Scout troop and did a family end of year campout with a lot of first time campers. There was an outdoor movie and s'mores night. They have a professional observatory with two telescopes and an astronomer giving lessons. We are now considering trying to plan a stargazing sleepover. The naturalist on staff gave fishing lessons to the kids, had a craft for them to do and talked about the native flowers. We were able to rent kayaks to take out into the lake. The lake was gorgeous. The bonus for everyone was the naturalist who had the reptile exhibit. Watching them handle the snakes was a fun way to learn which ones were safe and which ones to avoid. The girls are already asking to camp here in the fall and learn some more about camping.

SiteCampsites 15-23
Month of VisitJuly
  • Review photo of Canyon of the Eagles Lodge & Nature Park by Stephanie B., June 11, 2018
  • Review photo of Canyon of the Eagles Lodge & Nature Park by Stephanie B., June 11, 2018
  • Review photo of Canyon of the Eagles Lodge & Nature Park by Stephanie B., June 11, 2018