Many Glacier Campground — Glacier National Park
Reviewed Jul. 22, 2023

Fantastic experience!

I was in site 88 which was quite lovely with the stream behind it. I fly fished there and caught some trout! It's shallow so not for swimming but nice to stick your feet in to cool off. There was plenty of room to put my 4 person tent with an awning, though the awning was slightly outside the wooden tent pad markers. There was various shade throughout the day. I did have to pack up my tent and sleep in my car as there was grizzly activity after some folks weren't thinking and left some food unattended! The game wardens WILL fine you if you leave either food and/or fires unattended. If you're solo, like I was, you really need to think ahead before you prepare food or start a fire."I had to use the restroom" won't fly with the wardens! Grizzlies don't care and that fire could start a wild fire! 

The biggest drawback was that the dumpster was right in front of my site but mostly people were extra careful not to let the spring-loaded access door slam. There's plenty of space between sites so I didn't feel like I was crammed in there. I could barely see my neighbors through the trees/bushes. I assume they'd be easy to see in spring or late fall with little vegetation. If you need to be right next to a bathroom, this isn't the site for you. It was across the road, down a path. There isn't a bear box for food storage directly ON this site but there's one nearby to share with another site. This site was in the no-generator loop, yay! Camp host, Jane, was ridiculously wonderful! She keeps a lending library outside her RV and encourages children to go out and find "exciting things" to display on her table for all passersby to view. FUN!

From this site, you can walk to the Swiftcurrent Inn/deli/store which has basic necessities, a lot of junk food(very little produce in the park at all!), sandwiches, cold drinks, gift type things and where you get the tokens for showers. For those who are flying and can't bring bear spray, they have it there in the store. The Swiftcurrent Inn is also the parking lot for many of the trailheads nearby. TIP: seek out Fishercap Lake, just about a 10-minute easy walk from the parking lot. Moose are almost always seen there in the early mornings and early evenings.

 If I get lucky enough to go back, I will absolutely try and get this campsite (and just about anywhere in the campground) again! I far preferred the east side to the west. I stayed at the Sprague Creek campground on the west side which was a totally different experience. I'll write a review for that one too.

Month of VisitJuly
  • I set up a game camera to see what was going on in my site when I wasn't there. A deer strolled through. At this point I'd had to pack up my tent due to grizzly activity but you can see how big the site is. Right behind the picnic table is where the very short path is to the river.
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  • This is directly in back of site 88! SO AWESOME!! I caught some trout here. I also set up my camp chair and just sat with my tired feet (from hiking) in the cool water. BLISS!
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