Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park Campground
Duncan G.The Dyrt PRO User
Reviewed Apr. 24, 2022


Big Sur is arguably one of the most beautiful places on our planet. Pfieffer is located in the heart of it. I have been backpacking in the Ventana wilderness for 36 years and have countless memories. This was my first RV trip to Big Sur. I arrived without a reservation and the campground was completely full. The rangers accommodated me in the overflow area in the parking lot of the day use area. It was actually pretty nice. There were only two other RV’s there. The next night there were able to get me a site in the park. It’s a beautiful park. However, there is no wifi and no cell service. As a full-timer I depend on these to stay in communication and plan the next phase of my trip. I had to drive to the post office every day to pick up a weak signal. This is why I only rated this a four. I also had an incident with a ranger that was unsettling. He was carrying a gun and seemed very impressed with himself. I was aroused early in the morning by loud banging on my door. He was confrontational. I had left my recycling including a beer can on the bumper of the RV so that I could take it to the bin in the morning. A couple of items had fallen to the ground. He suggested I may have been driving with an open beer can in the truck. WTF? I nicknamed the guy Bungalo Bill. BTW I never drink and drive.

Month of VisitMarch
  • Review photo of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park Campground by Duncan G., April 24, 2022
  • Review photo of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park Campground by Duncan G., April 24, 2022
  • Review photo of Pfeiffer Big Sur State Park Campground by Duncan G., April 24, 2022