Cottonwoods RV Park & Campground
Adam W.
Reviewed Jun. 7, 2023

Disappointing Experience at Cottonwoods RV Resort: Deceptive and Rude

My recent encounter with Cottonwoods RV Resort has left me utterly disappointed and disgusted, as their service was marred by deceptive policies, unprofessional behavior and childish behavior

 It is disheartening to witness a company that prioritizes playing games and leaning on diplomatic responses over addressing the reality of their actions. From the outset, their reservation process raised concerns with their non-industry standard policy of requiring a 10-day notice for cancellations.

This policy, as I soon discovered, served as a warning sign of their intentions to hold onto customers' money while offering limited options for resolution. It became evident that their primary objective was not to provide a fair and transparent service but rather to maximize their own gains at the expense of customer satisfaction.

Adding insult to injury, when my wife attempted to discuss our concerns with their staff, they not only exhibited unprofessional behavior but also acted defensively, as if they were being attacked. Despite my wife maintaining her composure(while slightly elevating the pitch of her voice, but never yelling or personally attacking the person on the phone), they manipulated the situation by leaning on diplomatic responses that failed to address the reality of their actions. This tactic of deflecting and avoiding accountability only further erodes trust and demonstrates a lack of integrity on their part. It's truly sad to see this behavior come from a"business".

When I personally reached out to express my frustration(and also notify that I will post my factual experiences online), the"manager" absurdly claimed that my communication was threatening merely because I suggested the possibility of visiting their premises to discuss the matter in person. This response showcased a lack of professionalism and an unwillingness to engage in mature dialogue.

The"manager's" attempts to justify their cancellation policy under the guise of protecting customers are nothing more than smoke and mirrors. By allowing customers to reschedule their reservations while vehemently refusing any possibility of cancellation, they revealed their true motive: to retain customers' funds while offering a hollow option for rebooking. This self-serving approach contradicts their claims of protecting customers' interests and exposes their disregard for providing a genuinely satisfactory experience.

What troubles me even more is the realization that my experience is not an isolated incident. Other reviewers have expressed similar encounters, outlining the same deceptive policies, unprofessional behavior, and manipulative tactics employed by Cottonwoods RV Resort

It is disheartening to see a pattern of behavior that consistently prioritizes the company's interests over the well-being and satisfaction of their customers. In their attempts to deflect accountability, the company may try to argue that we were rude or difficult to deal with. However, it is essential to clarify that we were hung up on before any reasonable customer service was provided. When my wife, understandably exasperated, questioned whether an exception could be made in the event of a death in the family, their response was shockingly callous. It became evident that the company's priorities lay solely in financial matters, as they confirmed their lack of concern for any circumstances beyond securing their own profits. I fully anticipate their rebuttal to my reviews to show how holy they are, but again, a diplomatic response to smooth over their reviews and make them always look right.

What a terrible way to do business. If you look at the reviews left below, all are refuted to make the campsite look perfect while neglecting to remember they are in the customer service business.

In conclusion, our unfortunate experience with Cottonwoods RV Resort was tainted by their deceptive policies, unprofessional and childish behavior. Their inclination to play games, lean on diplomatic responses, and avoid taking responsibility for their actions only served to exacerbate my disappointment. I strongly advise prospective customers to carefully consider the consistent feedback provided by other reviewers and approach this establishment with caution. It is regrettable that a company entrusted with providing enjoyable experiences would prioritize such practices, leaving customers feeling frustrated and undervalued.

Here's a list of reviews you should take into consideration:- Terri G- Kicked out for using a generator because of an issue with their power cord-\_4g- Examples of lying to customers, kicking them out when there is room- Bad experience-\_NeYWolU-KZYvJQqbSM7eg- Indicating a good experience unitl they get mad with you then they call the police and get defensive- what a great place to stay!- Trying to kick out people who are on Cancer treatments, again they reply to everything thats negative with a rebuttal that frames them as perfect-"Surprised they didn't charge us for breathing..."

Month of VisitJuly